There is a class of SAM-FS prospects that operate legacy storage management systems configured with IBM MVS storage servers and StorageTek (STK) 440 ACS or Powderhorn cortridge libraries. These storage systems normally include 3480/3490 compatible cartridge drives and use a Block MUX interface between IBM server and the cartridge drives.
When these legacy systems are upgraded, to incorporate an open-systems server, the prospect has a limited selection of options. One very expensive option requires the purchase of replacement silo-compatible cartridge drives with a SCSI interface. Such drives list for (about) $40,000 each.
A more practical solution is where the legacy BMX drives are used with an open-systems SAM-FS server and an Intercom Model I-1090, SCSI to IBM Channel Tape Gateway. The Intercom Gateway provides SCSI to BMX conversion. A Sun/SAM-FS storage server shares control of the STK silo using a STK Library Control Unit. The list price for the Intercom Model I-1090 is $19,995.
In this configuration the BMX drives are "daisy chained" and are accessible from either server.
The I-1090 Channel Tape Gateway provides SCSI connectivity to IBM 3480/90 compatible tape systems and tape libraries, such as IBM 3494/95, STK, Memorex/Telex and Comparex.
The SCSI-to-Channel Gateway is a powerful tool for SCSI based systems to use IBM compatible tape systems and libraries or to share it with IBM mainframes and midrange systems. It also helps to protect hardware investments of IBM channel architecture based peripherals, while down-sizing to UNIX systems.
The Gateway includes a microprocessor controlled state machine, ensuring maximum data streaming up to 4.5 MByte/sec. It provides a SCSI-II interface, supporting 1 to 8 drives. The interfaces can be configured for asynchronous or synchronous operation and features SCSI Fast and Wide up to 20 megabytes per second. Differential interface support is available as an optional feature.
SCSI-2 Interface
Supported Libraries
IBM Channel Interface
Support Tape Drives
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